Color/Appearance: Heartwood is a medium to light brown, sometimes with an orange or olive hue. Color tends to darken with age. Sapwood is a paler yellowish brown, though it isn’t always clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Overall, sassafras bears a strong resemblance to other domestic ring-porous woods like black ash and chestnut.
Grain/Texture: Grain is straight, with a coarse uneven texture.
Workability: Easy to work with both hand and machine tools. Sassafras also has good dimensional stability once dry. Glues, stains, and finishes well.
Odor: Sassafras has a distinct, spicy scent resembling root beer while being worked (see comments below for more info).
Allergies/Toxicity: Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, sassafras has been reported as a sensitizer. Usually most common reactions include nausea and respiratory effects. Oil extracted from the roots and wood of sassafras has been shown to be toxic and weakly carcinogenic if ingested. See the articles Wood Allergies and Toxicity and Wood Dust Safety for more information.
Common Name(s): Sassafras, common sassafras
Scientific Name: Sassafras albidum
Distribution: Eastern United States
Tree Size: 50-65 ft (15-20 m) tall,
2-3 ft (.6-1 m) trunk diameter
Average Dried Weight: 31.0 lbs/ft3 (495 kg/m3)
Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): 0.42, 0.5
Janka Hardness: 630 lbf (2,800 N)
Modulus of Rupture: 9,000 lbf/in2 (62.1 MPa)
Elastic Modulus: 1,120,000 lbf/in2 (7.72 GPa)
Crushing Strength: 6,600 lbf/in2 (45.5 MPa)
Shrinkage: Radial: 4%, Tangential: 6.2%,
Volumetric: 10.3%, T/R Ratio: 1.6
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